About Us


Picture of Dan with Glasses

Dan is a 29 year old musician and outdoor enthusiest from Seattle. He plays in a band called The Boards. After 10 years of being a bike messenger in downtown Seattle he decided to switch to a career that wasn't so dangerous and allowed him to spend more time with his family and dogs. So far he has made sereral awesome projects with his Codefellows cohort and is exited for the future of his career.



Ashley has a diverse professional background that ranges from military service, government contracting as a geolocation intelligence analyst, managerial roles, mentoring, building and facilitating training programs as well as expereince in forward facing costumer service roles through entrepreneaurship. She is confident that each of these skills will allow her add value to her next role.

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pic o me

Anthony is a software engineer from Spokane, Washington. Anthony was in a university taking computer science but his expectations weren't being met. Anthony has heard good things about Code Fellows and wanted to pursue new opportunities. Anthony is super excited to start this new path in his life.

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